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Nipple Correction

What is Nipple Correction Surgery?

Nipple correction surgery at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, led by Dr. Kristopher M. Day MD, addresses various aesthetic or functional issues with the nipples or areolae. These can range from inverted nipples, asymmetry, oversized or elongated nipples, to large areolae. Dr. Day’s goal with these procedures is to improve the appearance and sometimes the function of the nipples and areolae, which often enhances the patient’s self-esteem and comfort.

The specific approach Dr. Day takes depends on the individual’s unique concerns and desired outcomes:

  • Inverted Nipple Correction: Ideal for those with nipples that turn inward rather than protrude. Dr. Day carefully releases the fibrous bands causing the inversion, allowing for a natural outward appearance.

  • Nipple Reduction: For patients bothered by the length or size of their nipples, Dr. Day can remove excess tissue, achieving a more proportionate look that aligns with the patient’s aesthetic goals.

  • Areola Reduction: Dr. Day performs this procedure on individuals who feel their areolae are disproportionately large. By removing a portion of the areolar tissue, he creates a more balanced appearance in relation to the rest of the breast.

Consultation with Dr. Day is essential for discussing the potential outcomes, risks, and the tailored surgical plan. While these procedures are typically less invasive than more extensive breast surgeries, professional guidance from a surgeon like Dr. Day ensures the highest standards of safety and satisfaction with the results.

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Good Candidates for Nipple Correction

Good candidates for nipple correction surgery, particularly those considering the expertise of Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, typically include individuals who:

  1. Are in Good Overall Health: Candidates should be free from any major medical conditions that could impair healing or increase surgical risks.

  2. Have Realistic Expectations: Understanding the potential outcomes and limitations of nipple correction surgery is crucial. Dr. Day ensures that all patients have a clear understanding of what the surgery can and cannot achieve.

  3. Are Bothered by the Appearance or Function of Their Nipples: This includes issues like inverted nipples, nipple or areola asymmetry, oversized or elongated nipples, or disproportionately large areolae that affect self-confidence or comfort.

  4. Are Not Currently Pregnant or Breastfeeding: Changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect the breasts and nipples, so it’s advisable to wait until after these periods for any cosmetic breast or nipple procedures.

  5. Have Completed Breast Development: It’s important that the breasts and nipples are fully developed before considering corrective surgery.

  6. Non-smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can significantly impact the healing process, so ideal candidates are non-smokers or those willing to quit prior to surgery and throughout the recovery period.

  7. Seek Improvement, Not Perfection: While significant improvements can be made, perfection is an unrealistic goal in any cosmetic surgery. Dr. Day works closely with his patients to set achievable goals.

Consulting with Dr. Day can provide a comprehensive assessment of individual suitability for nipple correction surgery, taking into account personal goals, health status, and specific concerns.

Benefits of Nipple Correction Surgery

Dr. Kristopher M. Day's expertise in nipple correction surgery at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, is centered around providing customized care. He focuses on understanding each patient's unique concerns and aesthetic aspirations, ensuring that the surgical approach is specifically tailored to meet those individual goals. This personalized attention helps ensure that patients not only achieve their desired physical enhancements but also experience a boost in confidence and satisfaction with their results. Undergoing nipple correction surgery with Dr. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery can offer several significant benefits for an individual, with the top three being:

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What to Expect During Nipple Correction Surgery

Recovery from nipple correction surgery is generally quicker and involves less discomfort than more extensive breast surgeries. Here’s what one can typically expect:

  • Initial Recovery: Immediately after the procedure, there might be some swelling and bruising, but these symptoms are usually mild. Dr. Kristopher M. Day will provide specific aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

  • Pain Management: Any discomfort in the early stages can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medication, as advised by Dr. Day.

  • Activity Restrictions: Patients are often advised to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for a short period to prevent strain on the surgical sites. Dr. Day will guide when it’s safe to resume normal activities.

  • Follow-Up Visits: Follow-up appointments with Dr. Day are important to monitor the healing process and remove any sutures if necessary.

  • Healing Time: Complete healing and the final appearance of the nipples may take a few weeks to months, as swelling subsides and the tissues settle.

Dr. Day ensures that each patient at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, receives personalized care and clear instructions for a smooth recovery, aiming for optimal results from the nipple correction surgery.

Nipple Correction Gallery

Recovery from Nipple Correction Surgery

Recovery from nipple correction surgery is generally quicker and involves less discomfort than more extensive breast surgeries. Here’s what one can typically expect:

  • Initial Recovery: Immediately after the procedure, there might be some swelling and bruising, but these symptoms are usually mild. Dr. Kristopher M. Day will provide specific aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

  • Pain Management: Any discomfort in the early stages can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medication, as advised by Dr. Day.

  • Activity Restrictions: Patients are often advised to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for a short period to prevent strain on the surgical sites. Dr. Day will guide when it’s safe to resume normal activities.

  • Follow-Up Visits: Follow-up appointments with Dr. Day are important to monitor the healing process and remove any sutures if necessary.

  • Healing Time: Complete healing and the final appearance of the nipples may take a few weeks to months, as swelling subsides and the tissues settle.

Dr. Day ensures that each patient at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, receives personalized care and clear instructions for a smooth recovery, aiming for optimal results from the nipple correction surgery.

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Nipple Correction Surgery

Most patients are able to nurse their babies following nipple correction. While Dr. Day makes every effort to conserve the milk ducts, there is no guarantee, and you must accept the fact that you might not be able to breastfeed.

In most cases, nipple correction does not lead to sensation loss. However, this is a rare side effect that is possible and is important to consider.

Dr. Day may recommend nipple correction surgery at the same time a breast lift or breast augmentation is performed. This can lead to optimal results, especially if you’re also bothered by sagging breasts or would like to increase their size.

To ensure comfort during nipple correction surgery, Dr. Day will administer anesthesia. While you should expect a bit of pain and soreness after the procedure, it will likely fade quickly and can be managed with pain medications.