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Sculptra Butt Lift

What is a Sculptra Butt Lift?

The Sculptra butt lift, performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, is a cutting-edge non-surgical procedure specifically designed to enhance the shape, volume, and contour of the buttocks. This innovative approach involves the strategic injection of Sculptra, a biocompatible filler composed of poly-L-lactic acid, into specific areas of the buttocks. Unlike traditional butt augmentation procedures that use implants or fat grafting, the Sculptra butt lift stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, resulting in gradual and natural-looking enhancement over time.


Dr. Day customizes each Sculptra butt lift procedure to suit the unique goals and anatomical characteristics of each patient. During the treatment, Dr. Day meticulously injects Sculptra into targeted regions of the buttocks to address volume loss, sagging, or asymmetry, ultimately sculpting a more youthful and shapely contour. The injections are strategically placed to create a lifted appearance and improve overall buttock projection without the need for invasive surgery.

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Good Candidates for a Sculptra Butt Lift

Ideal candidates for the Sculptra butt lift treatment are individuals who desire to enhance the shape, volume, and contour of their buttocks without undergoing invasive surgery. They may have concerns such as:

  1. Volume loss or flatness in the buttocks: Candidates may feel their buttocks lack projection or fullness, leading to an unbalanced or disproportionate appearance.

  2. Mild to moderate sagging or drooping: Candidates may experience mild to moderate sagging or laxity in the buttock tissues, resulting in a less youthful or lifted appearance.

  3. Asymmetry: Candidates may have asymmetrical buttocks, with one side appearing larger or more lifted than the other, causing dissatisfaction with their overall silhouette.

  4. Desire for a natural-looking enhancement: Candidates seeking subtle and gradual enhancement of their buttocks, without the dramatic changes associated with surgical implants or fat grafting, may find the Sculptra butt lift appealing.

  5. Good overall health: Candidates should be in good general health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. They should also be willing to follow post-treatment instructions provided by their plastic surgeon to optimize results and minimize risks.

During a consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, candidates can discuss their aesthetic goals and medical history to determine if they are suitable candidates for the Sculptra butt lift treatment. Dr. Day will assess their individual concerns and anatomy to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with their goals and ensures the best possible outcomes.

Benefits of a Sculptra Butt Lift

Dr. Kristopher M. Day MD is a renowned plastic surgeon in Bellevue, WA, that exhibits remarkable expertise and precision when performing Sculptra butt lift treatments. A few of the many benefits an individual might experience after receiving a Sculptra butt lift at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery include:


What to Expect
During Your Sculptra Butt Lift?

During a Sculptra butt lift, patients can expect a minimally invasive procedure performed by Dr. Kristopher M. Day MD at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery. The treatment typically begins with a consultation where Dr. Day assesses the patient’s goals and creates a personalized treatment plan. On the day of the procedure, a local anesthetic is applied to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. Dr. Day then injects Sculptra, a biocompatible filler, into specific areas of the buttocks to add volume and enhance contours. The injections are strategically administered to achieve the desired shape and symmetry. The entire procedure usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes, and patients can typically resume their daily activities with minimal downtime.

Recovering From Your
Sculptra Butt Lift

After a Sculptra butt lift performed by Dr. Kristopher M. Day MD at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, patients can expect minimal downtime and a relatively quick recovery. Some swelling, redness, or tenderness at the injection sites is normal and typically resolves within a few days. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and excessive pressure on the treated area for the first few days following the procedure. Additionally, massaging the injection sites as instructed by Dr. Day can help distribute the filler evenly and optimize results. While results are not immediate, the buttocks gradually appear fuller and more contoured over several weeks as the Sculptra stimulates collagen production. Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Day ensure proper healing and monitor progress. Overall, recovery from a Sculptra butt lift is generally well-tolerated, allowing patients to return to their daily routines with minimal disruption.

Sculptra Butt Lift Gallery

Results of a Sculptra Butt Lift

Following a Sculptra butt lift performed by Dr. Kristopher M. Day MD at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, patients can expect gradual and natural-looking enhancements to the shape and volume of their buttocks. While results are not immediate, over the course of several weeks to months, the injected Sculptra stimulates collagen production, leading to a firmer, fuller, and more lifted appearance in the buttocks. This gradual improvement helps create a more sculpted and proportionate contour to the buttocks, enhancing overall body aesthetics. Patients typically notice a significant enhancement in their buttock appearance, with results that can last for up to two years or more, depending on individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle. Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Day ensure that patients achieve and maintain their desired aesthetic outcome.

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Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Sculptra Butt Lift

A Sculptra butt lift is a non-surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the shape and volume of the buttocks using injectable Sculptra filler. Unlike traditional butt augmentation surgeries, it involves no incisions or implants and relies on collagen stimulation to gradually improve buttock contour.

During the procedure, Dr. Kristopher M. Day MD injects Sculptra, a biocompatible filler, into specific areas of the buttocks. Over time, Sculptra stimulates collagen production, leading to increased volume and firmness in the treated areas, resulting in a lifted and more sculpted appearance.

Ideal candidates for a Sculptra butt lift are individuals looking to enhance the shape and contour of their buttocks without undergoing surgery. They should have realistic expectations and be in good overall health. Dr. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery can assess candidacy during a consultation.

While individual results vary, the results of a Sculptra butt lift can last up to two years or more. Regular maintenance treatments may be required to maintain optimal results over time.

Recovery from a Sculptra butt lift is minimal, with most patients able to resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Some swelling or bruising at the injection sites may occur but typically resolves within a few days.

Risks and side effects of a Sculptra butt lift are minimal but may include temporary swelling, bruising, or discomfort at the injection sites. These effects typically resolve on their own within a few days.

The number of Sculptra injection sessions needed varies depending on individual goals and the desired level of enhancement. Dr. Day will develop a personalized treatment plan during the consultation.

There is minimal downtime after a Sculptra butt lift, and most patients can return to their daily activities immediately. However, it is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days after the procedure to allow the body to heal properly.