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Aesthetic Ear Surgery

What is Aesthetic Ear Surgery?

Aesthetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, performed by Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, is designed to address concerns such as protruding ears, large ears, or misshapen ears. This cosmetic procedure aims to enhance the appearance of the ears, making them more proportional to the head and face or correcting deformities.


Suitable for both adults and children (typically after the ears have reached full size around age 5 or 6), the surgery involves precise incisions made by Dr. Day, often behind the ears or within their inner creases to minimize scar visibility. Through these incisions, Dr. Day skillfully reshapes the ear cartilage and adjusts the ear position as needed.


The primary goals of undergoing otoplasty with Dr. Day include not only improving the physical appearance of the ears but also boosting the patient’s self-confidence. Dr. Day emphasizes a personalized approach in consultations, discussing each patient’s unique goals, the surgery’s potential risks, and the recovery process to ensure informed decision-making and satisfaction with the outcomes.

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Good Candidates for Aesthetic Ear Surgery

Good candidates for aesthetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, especially when considering the expertise of Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery typically include individuals who:

  1. Are Self-Conscious About Their Ears: This includes those with ears that protrude significantly, are overly large, or have an unusual shape that affects their self-esteem or comfort in social situations.

  2. Have Fully Developed Ears: While otoplasty can be performed on children, it’s usually recommended to wait until the ears have reached their full size, typically around 5 or 6 years old.

  3. Are in Good General Health: Ideal candidates should not have any medical conditions that might impair healing or increase the risk of surgery.

  4. Have Realistic Expectations: Understanding the achievable outcomes and the limitations of cosmetic ear surgery is crucial. Dr. Day ensures that his patients have a clear understanding of what the surgery can and cannot accomplish.

  5. Non-smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can significantly affect the healing process, so candidates should ideally be non-smokers or willing to quit smoking before and after the surgery to ensure optimal healing.

Consulting with Dr. Day is an essential step for anyone considering otoplasty, as he provides a comprehensive evaluation to determine if the surgery aligns with the individual’s goals and health status, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Benefits of Aesthetic Ear Surgery

Dr. Day's approach to otoplasty focuses on achieving natural-looking results that align with each patient's individual aesthetic goals, ensuring a high level of patient satisfaction with the outcomes of their ear surgery. Undergoing aesthetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, offers several significant benefits, with the top three being:

Preparing For Aesthetic Ear Surgery

To prepare for aesthetic ear surgery with Dr. Kristopher M. Day, follow these steps:

  1. Consult with Dr. Day to discuss your goals and receive a personalized surgical plan.
  2. Undergo any recommended medical evaluations to ensure you’re fit for surgery.
  3. Adjust or pause certain medications as advised by Dr. Day, especially those affecting bleeding.
  4. Quit smoking well in advance to promote better healing.
  5. Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and assist you afterward.
  6. Set up a comfortable recovery area at home.
  7. Follow Dr. Day’s pre-operative instructions carefully, including fasting and hygiene guidelines.

Adherence to these steps is key for a smooth surgery and recovery process.

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What to Expect During Aesthetic Ear Surgery

During aesthetic ear surgery with Dr. Kristopher M. Day, you can expect a detailed and personalized procedure tailored to your specific needs:

  1. Anesthesia: The procedure begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure your comfort. The type of anesthesia used, whether local with sedation or general, will depend on the extent of the surgery and Dr. Day’s recommendation.

  2. Surgical Technique: Dr. Day will employ precise surgical techniques tailored to your goals. Incisions are typically made behind the ears or within the ear’s natural creases to minimize visible scarring. Through these incisions, Dr. Day will reshape the cartilage, remove excess skin if necessary, and adjust the position of the ears as discussed during your consultation.

  3. Closing the Incisions: Once the desired adjustments are made, Dr. Day will carefully close the incisions with sutures, ensuring that the changes made to the ear’s structure are secure and that scarring is minimized.

  4. Immediate Post-Operative Care: After the surgery, you’ll be moved to a recovery area where your vitals will be monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. Dr. Day and his team will provide instructions for post-operative care and pain management.

The entire process is designed with your safety and comfort in mind, and Dr. Day’s approach aims for natural-looking results that meet your aesthetic goals.

Ear Surgery Gallery

Aesthetic ear surgery | pacific sound plastic surgery

Recovering From Aesthetic Ear Surgery

Recovery from aesthetic ear surgery (otoplasty) with Dr. Kristopher M. Day involves several stages for optimal healing:

  • Immediate Post-Surgery: Initially, you might experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the ears. Dr. Day will likely provide a bandage or head dressing to support the ears and promote proper healing.

  • Pain Management: Any discomfort can usually be managed with medications prescribed by Dr. Day, ensuring your comfort during the initial recovery phase.

  • Activity Restrictions: You’ll be advised to avoid strenuous activities, particularly those that might impact the ears. Dr. Day will provide guidance on when it’s safe to resume normal activities and return to work or school.

  • Follow-Up Visits: These are essential to monitor your healing progress, remove any sutures if needed, and address any concerns you might have.

  • Swelling and Healing: Swelling will gradually subside over the weeks following surgery, revealing the final shape and position of your ears. Complete healing and the final results can take up to several months.

Dr. Day and his team at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery are committed to providing detailed post-operative care instructions and support throughout your recovery, ensuring a smooth healing process and optimal outcomes from your otoplasty.

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About Aesthetic Ear Surgery

An otoplasty typically involves a surgeon making an incision behind the ear within the ear crease to either remove or reshape the ear cartilage. Sometimes, an incision is made within the folding contours of the ear to weaken the cartilage so that it can bend into its best shape. Your surgeon will then reorganize the existing cartilage. Lastly, permanent sutures are used to place and hold the ears in their new position.

There are several potential risks/ side effects of undergoing an otoplasty. This includes adverse reactions to anesthesia, asymmetry or other deformity, temporary loss of sensation, bleeding, swelling, bruising, pain, discomfort, infections, and hematomas. Rest assured that Dr. Kris Day has ample experience performing this procedure and does everything he can to minimize all risks.

Luckily, pain levels associated with ear surgery are fairly low. While you might have mild to moderate discomfort following your otoplasty, you can experience some relief with pain medications, a cold compress, and by wearing a special headband. We recommend taking it easy and avoiding taxing activities like work, exercise, or heavy lifting.

Yes, in most cases otoplasty includes “ear pinning” which some patients use to refer to internal stitching that increases the fold of the upper ear cartilage. Other techniques may involve the removal of cartilage, weakening one side of the cartilage to allow it to fold better, or positioning the ear closer to the side of the head with stitches. Depending on your cosmetic goals and what you want your ears to look like, ear pinning may be a part of your otoplasty here at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue.