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Lip Augmentation

What is Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, and fullness of the lips that is commonly performed by Dr. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery. Utilizing various techniques such as injectable fillers, fat transfer, or surgical implants, patients can achieve their desired lip enhancements. Injectable fillers, particularly hyaluronic acid-based products, are frequently used to add volume and definition to the lips, resulting in plumper lips and improved contours. This procedure not only helps individuals achieve a more youthful and balanced facial appearance but also addresses concerns such as thin or asymmetrical lips, enhancing lip symmetry. As an outpatient procedure with minimal downtime, lip augmentation offers a popular option for those seeking natural-looking results and a rejuvenated facial aesthetic. Under Dr. Day’s expertise, patients receive personalized care to achieve their desired lip enhancements with confidence.


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Good Candidates for Lip Augmentation

Ideal candidates for lip augmentation, under the care of Dr. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, are individuals seeking fuller, more shapely lips. They may have naturally thin lips, asymmetrical lips, or lips that have lost volume and definition due to aging. Candidates should be in good overall health, with no history of allergies or adverse reactions to lip fillers or anesthesia. Dr. Day ensures that each patient’s candidacy is thoroughly assessed, providing personalized recommendations and guidance to achieve natural-looking results that enhance lip symmetry and boost confidence.

Benefits of Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure focused on enhancing the fullness and definition of the lips. Using dermal fillers or fat transfer, this treatment aims to create plumper, more balanced lips, contributing to a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing facial appearance. Ideal for individuals seeking to boost their lip volume or refine the lip shape, lip augmentation offers immediate results with minimal downtime. Under the expertise of cosmetic professionals, this procedure can provide a subtle or dramatic enhancement, tailored to each individual’s desired outcome.

Lip augmentation - expect | pacific sound plastic surgery

What to Expect During Your
Lip Augmentation Procedure

Typically, lip augmentation, performed by Dr. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, involves injecting the chosen filler into the lips to add volume and define lip borders. The procedure is quick, lasting about 15 to 30 minutes, with minimal downtime. While some swelling and bruising may occur, they typically subside within a week. Patients can expect immediate results, enjoying fuller and more shapely lips shortly after the procedure. Under Dr. Day’s expert care, patients achieve natural-looking enhancements with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Lip Augmentation Gallery

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Recovering From Your
Lip Augmentation Procedure

Following lip augmentation performed by Dr. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, individuals may experience temporary swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the lips, which usually subside within a few days to a week. To alleviate discomfort, patients may apply ice packs and take over-the-counter pain medication as needed. It’s essential to avoid touching or rubbing the lips and adhere to post-procedure instructions, which may include avoiding strenuous activities and sun exposure. While most individuals can resume normal activities immediately, final results become more apparent as swelling decreases over the course of a week or two. Under Dr. Day’s care, patients receive comprehensive guidance to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process, ultimately enjoying fuller and more shapely lips with enhanced confidence.

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the fullness and shape of the lips. It typically involves the use of dermal fillers or fat transfer to achieve the desired volume and contour.

Ideal candidates are individuals looking to increase lip volume, improve lip symmetry, or reduce lines around the mouth. Dr. Day assesses factors like lip structure, overall facial balance, and personal goals to determine suitability.

Commonly used fillers are hyaluronic acid-based, such as Juvederm and Restylane. These fillers are known for their safety and natural-looking results.

Discomfort is generally minimal. Most fillers contain a local anesthetic to reduce pain, and additional numbing options can be discussed with Dr. Day.

Recovery time is usually short. You can expect some swelling and bruising, which typically subsides within a few days to a week.

Common risks include swelling, bruising, asymmetry, and allergic reactions. Dr. Day will discuss these risks and how to minimize them during your consultation.

The longevity of results varies; fillers typically last from 6 months to a year.

Dr. Day focuses on achieving natural-looking results that complement your facial features, using techniques that enhance lip shape and volume without overcorrection.

Bring a list of any medications you're taking, detailed information about your medical history, and any specific questions or concerns you have about the procedure.