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Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave

What is Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave Surgery?

At Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery located in Bellevue, WA, Dr. Kristopher Day specializes in Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave surgery, also known as chondrolaryngoplasty or Adam’s apple reduction surgery. This procedure is often sought by transgender women or individuals aiming for a more feminine neck appearance. During the surgery, Dr. Day carefully makes a small horizontal incision in the skin overlying the Adam’s apple and removes a portion of the thyroid cartilage to reduce its size and prominence. This surgical intervention enhances the overall harmony and femininity of the neck and throat region, resulting in a more confident and satisfying outcome for patients.

Gender affirming tracheal shave | pacific sound plastic surgery

Good Candidates for Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave Surgery

Ideal candidates for Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave surgery performed by Dr. Kristopher Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery are transgender women or individuals seeking a more feminine neck appearance. These candidates typically experience dysphoria or dissatisfaction with the size or prominence of their Adam’s apple, which affects their gender identity and overall self-esteem. Candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery. Additionally, they should have stable mental health and a clear understanding of the risks and benefits associated with the procedure. Dr. Day evaluates each patient individually to determine their candidacy for tracheal shave surgery and develops a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Benefits of Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave Surgery

Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave surgery at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, meticulously performed by Kristopher M. Day, is a specialized procedure for individuals looking to reduce the prominence of the Adam's apple. This surgery is a significant step for those aligning their physical features with their gender identity, particularly for transgender women and non-binary individuals seeking a more feminized neck profile. Dr. Day’s expertise ensures a careful and precise reduction of the thyroid cartilage, achieving a smoother, less pronounced throat contour. His approach is both compassionate and personalized, prioritizing the patient's comfort and desired aesthetic outcome. This procedure, while subtle, can have a profound impact on an individual's self-esteem and congruence with their gender identity, making the Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave an important component in the journey of gender affirmation.

What to Expect During
Gender Affirming
Tracheal Shave Surgery

During Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave surgery at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery with Dr. Kristopher Day, patients can expect the following:

  1. Anesthesia: The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort throughout the surgery.

  1. Incision: Dr. Day makes a small horizontal incision in the skin overlying the Adam’s apple, strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.

  1. Cartilage Reduction: A portion of the thyroid cartilage is carefully removed or shaved down to reduce its size and prominence. The surgery is performed with precision and attention to detail to achieve optimal results while minimizing the risk of complications.

  1. Closure: The incision is meticulously closed with sutures, and bandages may be applied to protect the surgical site.

Overall, the procedure typically takes about one to two hours to complete, and patients can expect to return home the same day with minimal downtime

Recovering From
Gender Affirming
Tracheal Shave Surgery

Following Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave surgery at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, patients can expect initial discomfort, swelling, and bruising around the surgical site in the days following the procedure. This can typically be managed with prescribed pain medication and cold compresses. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and excessive neck movement during the initial stages of recovery to promote optimal healing. Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Day will be scheduled to monitor healing progress and ensure that the surgical site is healing properly. Any concerns or questions can be addressed during these appointments. Dr. Day will also provide instructions on caring for the incision site to minimize scarring, which may include keeping the area clean and avoiding direct sunlight exposure until the incision has fully healed. Overall, recovery involves taking proper care of the surgical site, following post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Day, and allowing sufficient time for the body to heal and adjust.

Gender Affirming
Tracheal Shave
Surgery Gallery

Results From Your Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave Surgery

Following Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave surgery with Dr. Kristopher Day MD, patients can expect a reduction in the size and prominence of the Adam’s apple, resulting in a smoother and more feminine neck contour. The surgical intervention aims to create a more harmonious appearance between the neck and other facial features, contributing to a more feminine overall aesthetic. While individual results may vary, most patients experience a significant improvement in their neck profile, which enhances their confidence and self-image. As swelling subsides and the surgical site heals, patients can expect the final results to become more apparent, ultimately leading to a more satisfying and affirming outcome. 

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave Surgery

Gender Affirming Tracheal Shave Surgery, also known as Adam’s apple reduction, is a procedure to reduce the size of the thyroid cartilage. It's often sought by transgender women and non-binary individuals aiming to soften the contours of the neck for a more feminine appearance.

Ideal candidates are those looking to reduce the prominence of their Adam’s apple as part of their gender transition. Candidates should be in good overall health and have a clear understanding of the procedure and its outcomes.

The surgery involves making a small incision in the neck, typically under the chin or along a natural skin crease, to access and reduce the thyroid cartilage. The procedure is performed with careful consideration to protect the voice.

Recovery usually involves some swelling and discomfort. Most individuals can return to regular activities within a week, although full healing may take several weeks. Specific post-operative instructions will be provided by Dr. Day.

Like any surgical procedure, risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, and rare complications related to voice changes. Dr. Day will discuss these risks and how they are mitigated during your consultation.

Dr. Day aims to minimize and strategically place the incision to reduce visible scarring. Over time, scars typically fade and become less noticeable.

The results of a tracheal shave are permanent, as the cartilage does not grow back.

The cost varies based on the specifics of the procedure. A detailed quote will be provided during your consultation.

Bring a list of your current medications, any relevant medical records, and your goals for the surgery.