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Facelift Bellevue

Stress, sun damage, weight loss, gravity, and other factors can accelerate the normal process of facial aging. These factors can take away your facial volume, causing your neck and facial skin to sag. That’s where a rhytidectomy or a facelift comes in. It can rejuvenate your face and neck so you can achieve a younger, tighter, and more lifted appearance. At Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, our board-certified craniofacial plastic surgeon, Dr. Kris Day, performs facelifts for men and women around the Seattle area who hope to diminish the signs of aging and turn back the clock.

How Does a Facelift work?

At Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, our board-certified surgeon, Dr. Kris Day, is a plastic and craniofacial surgeon, meaning he is specially trained in reconstructive and aesthetic (or cosmetic) facial surgeries. This specialized expertise allows him to perform facelifts and other facial procedures with cutting-edge techniques and the highest standards of care, providing the best possible results for patients.

For our facelift surgeries, we partner with Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery in Bellevue to perform a SMAS plication facelift. SMAS stands for superficial musculoaponeurotic system and is located below the skin in your mid-to-lower face.

Plication refers to the surgical tissue tightening and typically involves lifting, removing excess skin, and putting back together the remaining tissues. In addition to the SMAS plication technique, we also use fat grafting to enhance results. This allows us to actually volumize the face by removing excess tissue and filling out the deflated areas of your face. Our primary goal is to tighten, lift, and plump the skin on your face and neck while ensuring the most natural-looking results.

Facelift Overview | Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery

Good Candidates for Facelift

You may be a good candidate for a facelift if the skin on your face and neck has lost elasticity and started to sag or droop. Previously, facelifts were performed on those who were at least 50 years old. These days, you can undergo a facelift if you’re younger and wish to be proactive in slowing down the signs of aging. If you are considering a facelift, you should be in overall good health and have realistic expectations of the results. A consultation with Dr. Kris Day at our Bellevue office is the best way to determine whether a facelift is worth pursuing.

Benefits of Facelift Surgery

A facelift can resolve a number of issues that you might experience as you age. These include sagging in the midface area, displaced fat, deep creases or folds between the nose and mouth, jowling at the jawline, loose skin, and vertical folds and/or a "double chin" beneath the chin. With a facelift, you may look years younger and feel better about the way your neck and face appear.

Preparing For a Facelift

Before your facelift procedure, we may ask you to stop taking anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and other medications that can interfere with the healing process. If you smoke, you should quit at least six weeks before surgery. Also, you’ll need to arrange for a family member or close friend to drive you to and from the procedure and stay with you for a short time afterward.

What to Expect During Facelift

On the day of your facelift surgery, you’ll arrive at the Bellevue Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery and meet with your surgeon, Dr. Kris Day, and your anesthesiologist. Your anesthesiologist will give you medication to relax, if needed, to prepare you for the procedure, and administer you general anesthesia. Your facelift surgery will generally take around four hours, depending on if you are having any additional procedures to the face done. Following the surgery, we’ll wrap your face with bandages to reduce swelling and protect your skin.

Facelift Gallery

Facelift | Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery

Recovering From Facelift

After facelift surgery in Bellevue, Dr. Kris Day and our team will provide you with detailed recovery instructions. During the first few days following the procedure, you should rest and keep your head slightly elevated. Your swelling will likely subside within a week, while bruising takes about two weeks to resolve. If you have a desk job, you can likely return to work after one to two weeks. At this point, you may also engage in light activities. The entire recovery process typically takes about four weeks. We will ask you to visit our office in Bellevue for follow-up appointments to ensure you’re healing safely and are pleased with the results.

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Facelift

A SMAS plication facelift involves lifting and re-positioning the underlying connective tissue of your face and neck. Fat grafting is then used to take excess fat from other areas and fill out deflated areas of the face. The incisions for this type of facelift are discreetly made along the hairline and contours of the ear, so they are not easily visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, pain levels associated with a facelift are typically minimal. While you might feel some mild to moderate discomfort following your procedure, you can ease it with over-the-counter and prescription pain medications.

Most patients look 10 to 20 years younger after facelift surgery. You’ll enjoy a refreshed, youthful look that you may have had in your younger years.

A facelift won’t reverse the natural process of aging. However, it can help you look significantly younger for about 10 years. Taking care of your skin, avoiding the sun, eating healthy, exercising, and engaging in other non-invasive facial procedures can all help you maintain your youthful complexion.

Like any other surgery, facelifts carry a small amount of risk and potential for adverse side effects. These include facial numbness, bleeding, swelling, bruising, pain, discomfort, infections, and hematomas. Rest assured, Dr. Kris Day will reduce the risks of this procedure as much as possible and thoroughly answer any questions you may have prior to the operation.

Dermal fillers add temporary volume to deflated issues in the face. A facelift, however, offers more dramatic, long-term results. We combine our facelift surgery with fat grafting to actually transfer excess fat into deflated areas of your face, providing much more natural and lasting results compared to dermal fillers.