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Tummy Tuck

Eliminating excess, overhanging fat in the midsection can often be difficult. If diet, exercise, and other non-invasive methods haven’t given you the flat stomach you desire, a tummy tuck could be an effective solution. At Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, we proudly offer tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, to those seeking a more toned, firm, and slim midsection. Our highly-rated tummy tuck procedure is available not only to Bellevue residents but also to individuals in surrounding cities like Seattle. Continue reading to discover more about how our tummy tuck surgery can help you achieve your body contouring goals.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Kristopher M. Day, designed to craft a firmer, flatter abdomen. It involves removing excess fat and skin and tightening muscles in the abdominal wall. This procedure is especially beneficial for individuals who have undergone significant weight loss, pregnancy, or have seen changes due to aging, resulting in sagging skin or weakened abdominal muscles.

Tummy tuck | pacific sound plastic surgery

Good Candidates for a Tummy Tuck

If you’re dealing with stubborn loose or excess skin around your abdomen that isn’t responding to diet and exercise, a tummy tuck might be an ideal solution for you. This procedure is particularly recommended for women who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth, which can stretch abdominal muscles in ways that are hard to reverse through conventional means. Ideal candidates should be within 30 pounds of their target weight and willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-procedure. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about the outcomes.

In general, suitable candidates for a tummy tuck are those who are:

  • Experiencing post-pregnancy or post-childbirth body changes
  • Recovering from significant weight loss
  • Post-bariatric surgery patients
  • Finding it challenging to reduce weight specifically in the midsection area

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

t’s essential to approach a tummy tuck with realistic expectations, recognizing that it's not a substitute for weight loss or a consistent exercise regimen. Consulting with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, situated in Bellevue and also serving the Seattle community, is crucial for understanding the nuances of this procedure. Dr. Day can discuss your individual goals, explain the specifics of the surgery, and provide detailed information on what to expect during recovery. This personalized approach ensures that you are well-informed about the benefits and limitations of a tummy tuck, helping you make an educated decision aligned with your aesthetic aspirations.

What to Expect From a
Tummy Tuck Procedure

At Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, we proudly offer a range of abdominal rejuvenation procedures, allowing us to tailor a plan that aligns with your specific goals. Our options include a drainless tummy tuck, progressive tension closure for enhanced tightening, and combined liposuction techniques. Dr. Kris Day, our board-certified plastic surgeon, employs specialized layered suturing and other advanced methods to ensure the best possible outcome, customized to your body’s unique requirements.


Dr. Day also utilizes the TAP (Transversus Abdominis Plane) nerve block, which is an injection of local anesthetic numbing the skin and abdominal muscles for up to three days, providing superior pain control.


The drainless tummy tuck, an alternative to the traditional procedure, offers benefits like the elimination of drain-related aftercare, reduced scarring, and increased comfort. Results from a drainless tummy tuck can be visible almost immediately, though the final appearance of your flat, tightened abdomen may take several months to fully develop.


This tummy tuck surgery typically lasts between 2-3 hours and is conducted at our state-of-the-art, accredited surgery center in Bellevue which also serves the greater Seattle community.

Recovering From a
Tummy Tuck Procedure

Recovering from a drainless tummy tuck is generally simpler and quicker than from a traditional one. In the first week post-surgery, while some discomfort is expected, it can be effectively managed with pain medication. Short walks are recommended to promote blood circulation and reduce swelling, but overall, relaxation and taking it easy are key. It’s advisable to have someone to help you during the initial days after the procedure.


By the second week, you’ll likely start feeling better and may even be ready to return to work, engaging in lighter duties. The absence of drains makes walking and standing up straight easier during this period. As you reach the third week, you’ll begin to feel more like yourself and can gradually resume most of your normal activities. Our team will guide you on when it’s safe to start heavy lifting and more strenuous exercises.

Tummy Tuck Gallery

Tummytuck results | pacific sound plastic surgery

Tummy Tuck Results

After your tummy tuck procedure performed by Dr. Kristopher M. Day, you can look forward to a noticeably slimmer midsection, with a smaller waistline and a flatter stomach. This transformation often leads to your clothes fitting better and a feeling of lightness and increased energy. Additionally, many patients experience a significant boost in self-confidence, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tummy Tuck Procedures

Tummy tuck surgery, medically known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. It's aimed at creating a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.

Ideal candidates are individuals with loose or sagging abdominal skin, often due to significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging. Candidates should be in good health, at a stable weight, and have realistic expectations about the results.

The procedure involves making a horizontal incision along the lower abdomen. Excess skin and fat are removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create a more toned look.

ecovery typically involves some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Most patients need a few weeks of downtime, with limitations on strenuous activities. Detailed post-operative care instructions will be provided by Dr. Day.

As with any surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, and complications related to anesthesia. Specific risks, such as fluid accumulation or poor wound healing, will be discussed during your consultation.

The results of a tummy tuck are typically long-lasting, particularly if you maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. However, factors like aging and future pregnancies can impact the results.


A scar is inevitable but is typically placed low on the abdomen where it can be concealed by underwear or a swimsuit. Dr. Day is skilled in minimizing and strategically placing incisions to reduce scar visibility.

The cost varies depending on the specifics of the surgery. A detailed quote will be provided during your consultation.

Yes, various financing options are available to help manage the cost of the procedure.

Bring a list of your current medications, any relevant medical history, and specific goals or concerns regarding the tummy tuck procedure.