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Facial Masculinization

What is Facial Masculinization Surgery?

Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS) is a series of procedures designed to enhance masculine features in the face, often pursued by transgender men, gender non-conforming individuals, and cisgender men seeking more pronounced masculine traits. Dr. Kristopher M. Day, operating at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, specializes in these transformative procedures, offering personalized surgical plans tailored to each individual’s unique goals and facial structure.


Procedures that Dr. Day may perform as part of FMS include forehead augmentation to emphasize the brow ridge, cheek augmentation for more angular cheekbones, and jaw and chin augmentation to create a stronger, more defined jawline. Rhinoplasty to modify the nose shape, Adam’s apple enhancement for a more pronounced neck profile, and hairline modification to achieve a more typically masculine hairline are also options within the scope of FMS.


Dr. Day’s approach to FMS at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery emphasizes achieving a natural, authentic appearance that aligns with each patient’s identity, enhancing their confidence and comfort with their facial appearance. Consultation with Dr. Day is a crucial first step for anyone considering FMS, allowing for an in-depth discussion of desired outcomes, procedural details, and personalized care throughout the surgical journey.

Facial masculinization surgery (fms) bellevue | pacific sound plastic surgery
Jawline Enchancement

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Jawline enhancement is one of the procedures in facial masculinization surgery. It involves creating a stronger, more chiseled, and defined jaw through implants and reshaping of the bone.

Chin Augmentation

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Chin augmentation is another procedure that may be performed in facial masculinization. This surgery involves using implants and reshaping existing bone structure to enhance the prominence of the chin.

Brow Ehancement

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Brow enhancement is another possible surgery performed in facial masculization, involving fat transfer around the eyebrows to thicken the area.

Good Candidates for Facial Masculinization Surgery

Good candidates for Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS) with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, typically include:

  • Transgender Men and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals: Those seeking to align their facial features more closely with their gender identity may find FMS an essential step in their transition, helping to affirm their gender and reduce gender dysphoria.

  • Cisgender Men Seeking Enhanced Masculine Features: Cisgender men who wish to accentuate or define certain masculine traits in their facial structure can also be good candidates for FMS.

Ideal candidates should also meet the following criteria:

  • In Good Overall Health: Candidates should be free from medical conditions that could impair healing or increase surgical risks.

  • Have Realistic Expectations: Understanding the potential outcomes and limitations of FMS is important. Dr. Day ensures his patients have a clear understanding of what the surgery can realistically achieve.

  • Non-smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can hinder the healing process, so candidates should be non-smokers or willing to quit smoking well in advance of the surgery and throughout the recovery period.

  • Psychological Readiness: Given the visible and significant nature of the changes that FMS can bring, candidates should be mentally prepared for the transition and have a strong support system.

A thorough consultation with Dr. Day is crucial to discuss individual goals, assess suitability for the various procedures involved in FMS, and to develop a surgical plan that is carefully tailored to each patient’s needs and desired outcomes.


Preparing For a Facial
Masculinization Consultation

Preparing for a consultation for Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS) with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, involves a few key steps to ensure a productive meeting:

  1. Define Your Goals: Reflect on what you hope to achieve with FMS. Consider which facial features you’re most interested in masculinizing and how you envision your ideal outcome.

  2. Gather Medical History: Compile a detailed medical history, including any past surgeries, current medications, allergies, and any medical conditions. This information is crucial for Dr. Day to assess your suitability for surgery and plan safely.

  3. Research the Procedures: Having a basic understanding of potential FMS procedures can help you have an informed discussion with Dr. Day. While he will provide detailed explanations, familiarizing yourself with terms and concepts can enhance your understanding.

  4. Prepare Questions: List any questions or concerns you have about FMS, including inquiries about the surgical process, recovery, risks, and expected outcomes. This is your opportunity to gain as much clarity as possible.

  5. Consider Financial Planning: Understand that FMS involves various costs, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, facility costs, and potential follow-up care. Inquiring about payment options or financing plans can help in planning your journey.

  6. Think About Support: Consider who will support you through your surgical journey. You might want to bring a supportive friend or family member to the consultation for emotional support and help in remembering the information discussed.

  7. Photographic Examples: If you have specific goals or examples of masculine features you admire, bring these images to your consultation. They can help Dr. Day understand your aesthetic goals more clearly.

By coming well-prepared to your consultation with Dr. Day, you can have a meaningful discussion about your FMS journey, ensuring that your goals are clearly communicated and understood.

What to Expect During Facial Masculinization Surgery

During Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS) at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, patients can anticipate a detailed and personalized surgical experience, typically involving the following stages:

  • Pre-operative Preparation: On the day of the surgery, you’ll arrive at the surgical center where Dr. Day and his team will prepare you for the procedures. This involves final pre-surgical checks, marking the surgical sites, and ensuring you’re comfortable and informed about the steps ahead.

  • Anesthesia: To ensure comfort and safety during the surgery, anesthesia will be administered. The type of anesthesia—general or local with sedation—will depend on the extent of the procedures being performed and your specific needs, as discussed with Dr. Day and the anesthesiology team.

  • Surgical Procedures: FMS may include various surgeries tailored to your goals, such as forehead augmentation, cheek and jaw enhancement, rhinoplasty, and potentially Adam’s apple enhancement or hairline modification. Dr. Day performs these procedures with a focus on enhancing masculine features while maintaining natural and harmonious results.

  • Monitoring and Initial Recovery: After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where the medical team will monitor your vital signs and ensure you are recovering properly from anesthesia. Dr. Day and his team will manage any immediate post-operative discomfort and provide instructions for care.

  • Follow-up Care: Dr. Day will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing process, remove sutures if necessary, and ensure that you are on track for a smooth recovery.

The duration of FMS and the recovery process can vary depending on the complexity and number of procedures performed. Dr. Day is committed to providing comprehensive care, from the initial consultation through to recovery, ensuring that each step is conducted with the utmost safety, precision, and attention to your specific needs and goals for masculinization.

Facial Masculinization Surgery Gallery

Recovering From Facial Masculinization Surgery

Recovery from Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS) under the care of Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, WA, is a gradual process, with several stages to ensure optimal healing and results:

  • Immediate Post-Surgery: In the initial days following FMS, it’s common to experience swelling, bruising, and some discomfort in the treated areas. Dr. Day will provide pain management strategies to ensure your comfort.

  • Rest and Limited Activity: Dr. Day advises ample rest and avoiding strenuous activities during the early recovery phase to facilitate healing and reduce swelling. Specific instructions on when it’s safe to resume various levels of activity will be provided.

  • Swelling and Bruising Management: Swelling is a normal part of the recovery process and can be managed with cold compresses and keeping the head elevated, especially during sleep. Most swelling and bruising begin to subside within the first few weeks.

  • Follow-Up Appointments: You will have scheduled follow-up visits with Dr. Day to monitor your healing progress, address any concerns, and, if necessary, remove sutures.

  • Resuming Work and Normal Activities: The timeline for returning to work and normal activities varies depending on the extent of the procedures and your individual healing process. Dr. Day will guide you based on your specific situation, but many patients are able to return to non-strenuous work within a few weeks.

  • Final Results: While initial changes are noticeable almost immediately, the final results of FMS take time to emerge as swelling fully resolves and the tissues settle into their new contours. This process can take several months, with gradual improvements along the way.

Throughout your recovery, it’s crucial to follow Dr. Day’s post-operative instructions closely and attend all follow-up appointments. This ensures not only the best aesthetic outcomes but also minimizes the risk of complications. Dr. Day and his team at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery are committed to supporting you through every step of your recovery journey.

Schedule Your Consult

Click the button below to book your consultation with Dr. Kristopher M. Day at Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery in Bellevue Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions About Facial Masculinization

Like any other surgery, facial masculinization carries the potential risk of adverse side effects. These include facial numbness, bleeding, swelling, bruising, pain, discomfort, infections, and hematomas. Rest assured, Dr. Kris Day is extremely experienced and dedicated to minimizing any and all risks.

Since facial masculinization is so customized to the individual, costs will vary. Costs are typically a cumulation of surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, prescriptions, ordered medical tests, x-rays, and post-surgery dressings and garments. Sometimes patients can get insurance to cover a portion of these surgical costs.

Yes. Most insurance companies cover at least a partial amount of facial masculinization surgery, though you may have to meet specific criteria. At Pacific Sound Plastic Surgery, we accept a wide variety of insurance providers and will also offer you a detailed quote if you choose not to use insurance.

The length of time depends on the type of procedures being performed. However, if your surgery involves a jawline enhancement, chin augmentation, and brow enhancement, it typically lasts anywhere from three to four hours.